Import Time Worked

Once you connect to a T&A platform, we can link to it and import the hours worked for your employees.

First, map your employees in the same was as for HR platforms.

After connecting to the service, for the dates you are processing the payroll, we specifically look for hours worked falling within these dates.

Import to an Empty Pay Run

If the default payment amount for your employees is zero, when you start a new payrun, all the payslips will be zeroised.

When you connect to a T&A service, if you view a payrun where you pay all employees zero, you can import using the button at the bottom of the page.

Import to an existing Pay Run

If your payslips already have some values, the process requires an extra click to import from the T&A platform.

Click on the Import Payments button at the bottom left of the screen. You will have several options, one of these is to import from the platform with which you are connecting. 

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