
Name / Description Type / Format Example
roleId string uuid "string"
isPrimary boolean true
This property is used to calculate values for PayCodes that are set as multiples of
the employees base daily rate. Eg sick.
If this is set as zero then we'll attempt to calculate a value based on the other fields
number double 0.0
This property is used to calculate values for PayCodes that are set as multiples of
the employees base hourly rate. Eg Overtime.
If this is set as zero then we'll attempt to calculate a value based on the other fields
number double 0.0
This property is used to calculate values for the relative weight of the usual pay for
each role compared to the sum of all roles' usual pay
Usual pay for the purpose of the current value's calculation is based on the employee's permanent pay items
including employee basic pay and permanent addition and deduction pay lines subject to NI or Tax
number double 0.0
  "roleId": "string",
  "isPrimary": true,
  "baseDailyRate": 0.0,
  "baseHourlyRate": 0.0,
  "weight": 0.0
Contained in Models
Consumed by Operations

- none -

Returned by Operations

- none -