
Name / Description Type / Format Example
id string uuid "string"
title string "string"
mon number double 0.0
tue number double 0.0
wed number double 0.0
thu number double 0.0
fri number double 0.0
sat number double 0.0
sun number double 0.0
monIsWorkingDay boolean true
tueIsWorkingDay boolean true
wedIsWorkingDay boolean true
thuIsWorkingDay boolean true
friIsWorkingDay boolean true
satIsWorkingDay boolean true
sunIsWorkingDay boolean true
totalHours number double 0.0
The amount of weeks an employee works, utilise for employees who aren't working full time.
If Null then the default is used.
number double 0.0
The amount of weeks an employee works (Full Time). If Null then the default is used.
number double 0.0
The amount of hours an employee works (Full Time). If Null then the default is used.
number double 0.0
bankHolidays string "None" "EnglandAndWales" "Scotland" "NorthernIreland"
proRataRule string "WorkingDaysInPeriod" "CalendarDaysInPeriod" "TwoSixtyRule" "ThreeSixFiveRule"
workingPatternHoursType string "HoursPerDay" "HoursPerWeek"
isDefault boolean true
  "id": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "mon": 0.0,
  "tue": 0.0,
  "wed": 0.0,
  "thu": 0.0,
  "fri": 0.0,
  "sat": 0.0,
  "sun": 0.0,
  "monIsWorkingDay": true,
  "tueIsWorkingDay": true,
  "wedIsWorkingDay": true,
  "thuIsWorkingDay": true,
  "friIsWorkingDay": true,
  "satIsWorkingDay": true,
  "sunIsWorkingDay": true,
  "totalHours": 0.0,
  "contractedWeeks": 0.0,
  "fullTimeContractedWeeks": 0.0,
  "fullTimeContractedHours": 0.0,
  "bankHolidays": "None",
  "proRataRule": "WorkingDaysInPeriod",
  "workingPatternHoursType": "HoursPerDay",
  "isDefault": true
Contained in Models

- none -

Returned by Operations

- none -