
Used to represent an Employees membership of a Cost Centre

Name / Description Type / Format Example
The Code for the Cost Centre
string "string"
The Color for the Cost Centre
string "string"
The Title for the Cost Centre
string "string"
Set to true if this is the primary Cost Centre for the Employee.
Only one Cost Centre can be set as the primary.
boolean true
If there is more than one Cost Centre Membership for the Employee then this determines the weighting to give to this membership.
ie, if he is in two Cost Centre you might set the primary as 0.8 and the secondary as 0.2;
number double 0.0
employeeRoleUniqueId string uuid "string"
employee Item {Item}
  "code": "string",
  "color": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "isPrimary": true,
  "weighting": 0.0,
  "employeeRoleUniqueId": "string",
  "employee": {
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "metadata": {},
    "url": "string"
Contained in Models

- none -

Returned by Operations

- none -