A quick guide to calculating labour turnover
28th Feb '24
We’ve made a number of small-ish tweaks in the past month, we’ve listed some of them here.
Transfer Ownership
You can now transfer the ownership of an employer to another user.
Re-send Payslip Emails
You can now re-send the payslips emails for a payrun. So if you want to you can choose to finalise the payrun without sending the payslips and then send them later.
Override Employment Allowance Maximum
If you’ve already claimed Employment Allowance elsewhere then you’ve had to override the calculated amount on each P30/32.
Now you can just reduce the total to claim for the year and let us worry about ensuring you don’t go over the limit.
Just override the value in the Employer HMRC details section.
Pay Codes Import Default Values
If you import Pay Codes from a CSV, you can now include the Default Value field.
Gross To Net Report
You can now quickly access this report from the payrun page.
Employer Defaults Extended
We’ve extended the Employer Defaults feature we introduced last month, you can now also copy Pay Options and HMRC Notice settings from an existing employer.
Delete RTI documents
You can now delete RTI documents (other than FPS and CIS300) that haven’t yet been submitted.
Pro-rata Joiners/Leavers
If your employee is joining/leaving during the pay period and their pay options are set to a fixed amount of the period then we’ll automatically pro-rata the amount they’re to be paid. Note this will only be done if you have left the ‘Leave Adjustments’ setting set to ‘Automatic’
Re-post Journals
If we’ve already posted a journal entry to your accounting software, you weren’t able to re-post it.
There are occasions when you might want to. So click on your user avatar at the top of the page end ‘Edit Profile’.
You’ll see you have the option there to enable re-posting of journals.
You may have noticed there have also been a whole bunch of small UI improvements. As we gather more data about how you use the software we keep finding more ways to improve the layout and flow of things.
But data is no substitute for direct feedback, so please do get in touch with any suggestions you have.
sam.thomas@iris.co.uk, November 4th, 201928th Feb '24
2nd May '23