Time and Attendance Integrations

Posted on Wednesday, 13th May '20

Duane Jackson by Duane Jackson

We’ve supported importing time and attendance data from uAttend, TimeMoto and Access People Planner for a while.
But as they don’t have APIs it’s meant fiddling with CSV files. Better than nothing, but not ideal.

So I’m pleased to report that today we’ve released integration with two modern Time and Attendance platforms:
RotaCloud and WeWorked.

Once you’ve connected to your account with either provider, you can easily map or import employees.

Then for each payrun you can import hours worked and produce payslips at the click of a button.

For the specifics on getting connected and importing data, see the relevant pages of the User Guide.

For more information about the T&A platforms, visit their websites: rotacloud.com and weworked.com.

Using another platform that you’d like to see supported? As long as they have an API we can get you integrated. Get in touch

New to all this?

If you don’t already have a Staffology account, you can get an account for free. Both WeWorked and RotaCloud also provide free trials.

There’s no excuse for using old payroll technology.

Duane Jackson, May 13th, 2020

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