New: Variance Report

Posted on Monday, 11th May '20

Duane Jackson by Duane Jackson

We’ve just added a new report based on requests from customers – the Variance Report.

The report is intended to help you compare one period to another to identify any variations in pay as well as highlight joiners and leavers.

The report has a number of options including the ability to compare a range of periods to another range.

So, for example, you can easily compare Q1 to Q2. Or even one year to another.

You can choose to set a threshold so that only variations above a certain % change are shown.

And finally you can choose to have the change shown as a percentage rather than an numeric amount.

Other Report Changes

We’ve also added the ability to breakdown the Analysis Report by department.

The Holiday Allowances report now includes the employees day rate.

Do you have a reporting requirement the system doesn’t cover? Get in touch and we’ll see what we can do.

Duane Jackson, May 11th, 2020

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