Staying home vs returning to the office?

Posted on Friday, 26th Jun '20

Anthony Wolny by Anthony Wolny

Continue homeworking or return to the workplace? The question SMEs are all facing right now… 

It’s a big question and the answer will be different for each and every business.  

Either way, Staffology HR is here to help.  

Staying home

Home working is set to become a much more regular part of the way most businesses work. Discussions are even taking place about whether UK workers should be given the legal right to work from home, complementing their existing right to request flexible working. 

While many of us have become used to working from home, continuing to do so on a more permanent basis may seem daunting. Your long-term homeworkers are likely to require additional support, such as appropriate IT equipment, a dedicated communication strategy, encouragement to prioritise a work/life balance and much more.  

We recently ran a webinar to explore the best ways to support long-term homeworkers. With guidance from industry specialists, such as Facilities Managers and HR Managers, we covered ensuring safe and productive home working environments, communication, wellbeing and more.  

Returning to a workplace

For businesses that don’t function as well remotely, the government has provided a list of guidelines to help companies make sure their workplaces are safe for employees to return to. They’re calling this being ‘COVID-secure’. 

Encouraging businesses to translate the guidelines into the specific actions they need to take, the government is also asking them to undertake a COVID-19 risk assessment. 

Examples of how your workplace may need to adapt to becoming COVID-secure include reducing office capacity, organising employees into ‘social bubbles’ and setting up sanitation stations.   

If you’re wondering what COVID-secure means for your business, we have dedicated webinar to help. 

This webinar explores how offices will need to adapt physical workplaces to comply with social distancing advice, including working out whether your employees are able to return to offices, changing spaces, changing work patterns and more.  

Navigating the next normal

For more useful information to help your business navigate the next normal, head to our dedicated resources hub. You’ll find a selection of checklists, videos and guides to help. 

Anthony Wolny, June 26th, 2020

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