P11D Benefits, HMRC Notices and more

Posted on Wednesday, 26th Jun '19

Duane Jackson by Duane Jackson

This months payroll software product additions are detailed below. There’s a lot to like!

Benefits, P11D and P11D(B)

You can now record benefits for employees and create and submit the required P11Ds and P11D(B) at the end of the year. Which of course we’ll do automatically for you. Read more here.

HMRC Coding Notices

When HMRC want you to change the tax code for an employee (P6, P9) or start or stop Student Loan (SL1, SL2) or Postgraduate Loan (PGL1, PGL2) deductions then they issue a notice which our software can now automatically retrieve and apply. Read more here

FPS Import

As we posted earlier this month, it’s now ridiculously easy to set up new employers mid-year. You just import their FPS from their previous payroll system. Read more here.

Payslip Distribution

Ideally you’d enter an email address for each employee and use our feature to have the payslip emailed to them automatically. But this isn’t always possible or even desirable. So you can now have all payslips sent to a specified email address for the employer. Read more here.

A Quiet(ish) Summer

The pace of development since we launched a few months ago has certainly been rapid. Don’t expect as many additions in July as even code monkeys need a summer break! But support will be continuously available as always.

Do let us know if there are any other features or integrations you’d like to see added and we’ll get on to it in August.

Duane Jackson, June 26th, 2019

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