As the flags crack outside, it’s time to review changes to Staffology over the last few weeks. As well as the usual maintenance fixes, two changes have recently been made available to you that may help you with two unrelated specific issues.
Auto-Open Next Payrun
While the ability to run and close pay runs via Automation has been part of Staffology for some time now, there has been no mechanism to automatically re-open a pay run as part of the process. As a result, a pay run could not be left in an open state if that was your preference. We have now added this as one of the options for Auto-Pilot.
Earlier Year Full Payment Submission
You may need to correct submissions made to HMRC in a previous tax year in order to fix errors made at the time with employee tax, NI or any other data normally sent in a Full Payment Submission (FPS) as part of Real Time Information (RTI).
If you reported the wrong pay or deductions for an employee in the 2018/2019 or later tax years, you can correct this by submitting an Earlier Year FPS with the correct year-to-date figures.
Select the Employee that needs the correction
Under the More menu choose Earlier Year FPS
Select the tax year for the correction at the top right. If you submitted an FPS for that tax year using Staffology, the data sent for the employee is in the left-hand column
Use the right-hand column to complete the data
In the right-hand enter the new correct amount
If a value has not changed, enter the original amount
If the original data included no value, or it needs to be corrected to zero, enter zero
Ensure all fields in the right have entries, even if zero is the new correct amount
In the NI table data, ensure all NI table letters used in any FPS for the selected tax year for the employee are included, even if they are now zero values
Click Create to save the Earlier Year FPS data and make it ready for submission
Once saved, click Submit to send the corrected data to HMRC
You can view all Earlier Year FPS submissions in the Employer RTI view, as with any other FPS
If you experience any issues with the Earlier Year FPS submission, it will be visible, like any other FPS submissions, in the Company Dashboard and investigated in the RTI view by choosing the correct tax year
We are introducing a new style of help feature. This brings up a dialogue box explaining new functionality when you navigate to the relevant page. You will see this for EYFPS as the first example.
Share Your Ideas
Please let us know your ideas for enhancements to Staffology directly via the Staffology Ideas Portal.
Please pay a visit, create new ideas and vote on ideas others have raised. We will give you feedback and let you know how they are incorporated into our roadmap.
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