Report contributions

Pension contributions are calculated every pay run, and you must report these to your pension provider.

Non-connected schemes

If you do not connect your Pension Scheme to an external provider, we cannot automatically send contributions.

Instead, you need to download a file to send to your provider. We support the PAPDIS standard which which you can use to detail contributions.

Access contributions data

You can get to the contributions data by two routes.

  1. Choose Reports in the main navigation.

  2. Go to the Pensions & AE tab

  3. Run the Contributions report.


  1. Choose Pensions in the main navigation.

  2. Select your Pension Scheme.

  3. Go to the Contributions tab.

  4. Choose the period for which you want to access contributions.

    You can download the information from the report page as either a CSV or XML file.

Connected schemes

If you connect your Pension Scheme to an external provider, we automatically send them contributions information after each pay run.

To confirm this information was sent:

  1. Select Pensions in the main navigation.

  2. Choose your Pension Scheme.

  3. Go to the Contributions tab.

  4. Review the contributions submission status column.

    Once you finalise your pay run, it may take a minute or two to show up.

  5. The status should change from Queued to Processing, and finally to either Sent or Failed.

  6. You can view the the actual data sent to and received from the external provider by selecting the icon, which can help if you get a Failed status, as the response will often show detailed information about why it failed.

  7. Once it shows as Sent, the contributions should be visible if you log in to the external provider's website.